lunes, 29 de marzo de 2010

Activity: The Zippers

Now guys you could do this activity ready?
Well it's easy just try to find 3 sentenses in passive voice I'll write my 3.

1.-An early device superficially similar to the zipper, was patented in the United States by Elias Howe in 1851.

2.-The clasps were joined together by a string, which, when pulled taut, caused the clasps to be evenly spaced along the closure.

3.-Initial versions of the zipper were based on the "hook and eye" principle.

See that was very easy now it's you turn tell me if you found more.
See you.
Xoxo, Sandy.

Zippers: A story for the history

By: Sandra Lizette Franco.
His guys I'm so happy to write again, this time I'm gonig to tell you about the zeppers, everyone know this simple object taht madeo of our lives easier.
Hook and eye model

An early device superficially similar to the zipper, "an Automatic, Continuous Clothing Closure", was patented in the United States by Elias Howe in 1851. Unlike the zipper, Howe's invention had no slider; instead a series of clasps slid freely along both edges to be joined, with each clasp holding the two sides together at whichever pair of points along them it was located. The clasps were joined together by a string, which, when pulled taut, caused the clasps to be evenly spaced along the closure, thus holding the two edges together. Pulling in the other direction caused the clasps to become bunched up at one end, by which means the device was opened.

The true zipper was the product of a series of incremental improvements over more than twenty years, by inventors and engineers associated with a sequence of companies that were the progenitors of Talon, Inc. This process began with a version called the "clasp locker", invented by American born inventor Whitcomb L. Judson of Chicago (previously of Minneapolis and New York City) in Akron, Ohio, and for which a patent (No. 504,038) was first applied on Nov. 7, 1891. It culminated in 1914 with Gideon Sundbäck's invention of the "Hookless Fastener No. 2", the first version of the zipper without any major design flaws and essentially indistinguishable from modern zippers.

Initial versions of the zipper were based on the "hook and eye" principle, rather than on interlocking teeth, and tended to come apart easily. Some versions depended on constant pressure from one side of the joined fabric in order to hold together at all, which limited applications. In the 1891 version, the slider detached entirely from the zipper when not being used to open or close.

Judson, together with business partner Harry Earle, founded the first incarnation of what was to eventually become Talon Inc., in Chicago in 1894, as the Universal Fastener Company. The design deficiencies, combined with difficulties in getting the machinery needed for mass production to work, prevented the early devices from reaching market, which led to financial hardships for the company. This in turn led to a series of reorganizations and name changes, as well as relocations, first to Catasauqua, Pennsylvania; then to Elyria, Ohio; Hoboken, New Jersey; and finally Meadville, Pennsylvania.

Now we can see them in any sort of clothes, purses, shoes, trainers, headbands, etc.

lunes, 22 de marzo de 2010

Advantages and disadvantages of using mobile while driving

Advantages of using mobile while driving
1. You don´t get bored driving alone to go.
2. You are in touch with your acquaintances, for the case of an emergency

Disadvantages of using mobile while driving
1. You can cause an accident and hurt someone or yourself
2. An officer may be fined
3. If you crash you would have to pay damages
4. In a crash you could go to the hospital

The cell phone is very important, because through this device can locate your friends and be located no matter the place where you are, but it is also important to know when it is convenient to use and when not.
For example, the law says you should not use cell phones or other electronic device while driving, but most people do not respect the law, so you can cause several consequences:
We must be aware that we can not only hurt us, but on the road are other people who, by imprudence our (answer phone) could lose control of the vehicle and cause an accident, hurting others, the consequences could range from a few blows to the death.
Other consequences less serious, so to speak, would be a fine and / or pay for damage to vehicles, in case you have not been injured, otherwise also would have to pay medical expenses, so it is necessary be careful and respect the laws are for our welfare.

By: Mónica Aranda Cuellar Bocardo

miércoles, 17 de marzo de 2010

The advantages and disadvantages of using technology in class

Hi guys it's me again,Sandy and I'm so happy to write again no with an interesting topic; have you ever asked how would be life without technology?
Of course we are so accustomed to computers and mobiles so much that now we probably could not live without any of this stuff but, is really usefull when we are in class?
Well, there are some advantages and some disadvantages, let's see.

I think it hasn't got many advantages, some of them, for example, are that it's easier for the homeworks and I think it's a good resource for the learner because we can know many things from other places and besides reduces time and some times costs.

But technology has got also lots of disadvantages, in general is using up all the resources in the planet and creates problems of obesity, but if we take a look inside a classroom we'll find many people become distracted and so they don't pay attention to the class, academic level decreases and they can reach a good level besides communication stalls and we can't interact with our classmates, ceasing to have that social contact, not to mention many homeworks are not done by the students because they don't write themselves the homework, they just copy and paste.

In brief technology is good for our lives but dangerous if we don't noe how to use it; and for this day that's all I hope to write so soon bye bye.