viernes, 14 de mayo de 2010

About my dreams...

Hi guys what's up?
Well now I guess I will tell you about my plans; I'm 20 years old an for the moment I'm studying communication and the next plan for me is to finish it then I would like to make a mastery abroad yes that's one of my dream If a had money the first thing that I would do would be to travel around the world I would travel to U.K and Venice, I would buy lots and lots of clothes and books and shoes and bags I would make my dream come true: buy my Aston Martin V12 Vanquish or My Volvo, of course first i have to find a job and I would like to work in a fashion magazine like Vogue or Elle.

I'd also like to lear to play the guitar or the piano or the drums and buy each one for me.

You know my passion is to write so If I have Luck I would like to publish one of my two novels that I'm writing it'll be fantastic! with that money I could buy a department and move from my twon I would buy many pairs of shoes to my mom and a ferrari for my dad, I would go to all of my favourite bands' concerts and for sure I would help poor people.

In my personal life marrige good idea but when the right boy knock to my door I might say yes, I would like to have a child and if Good has mercy of my soul (jajaja that's pathetic) I would like to have two a boy and a girl, maybe twins. The names are surprise it depends of the father´s last name, but I will live in a beautiful house with a lake and trees and a huge garden.

That's a lot of imagination? I don't think so These are my plans and I assure you I will carry out all of my plans.

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