viernes, 14 de mayo de 2010


Hello. My name is Miriam Enriqueta. I am 20 years old. I study the master in sciences of the communication in two years it will finish the master and I have plans great by then.

My immediate plans are to realize my thesis and manages my title prompt mas possible to obtain a work in some newspaper or magazine or maybe as teacher.

If I was main I would wish that out of boys of preparatory I do not think that they are mas easy to control that the university students and I say it for that I am university and in spite of being a person in charge I see like many of my companions they are a disaster.

I would be charmed with helping my dads for everything what they gave to me if I obtain a prompt work it will help my dads economically in order that my mom stops working and devotes itself to my seven-year-old brother and to my dad and between the two control the small one it would repair that they have

In my plans of life not this to marry rather I want to grow professionally in my master maybe to do a maestría and for that not a doctorate.

But if some day I manage to marry I would like that it was after praises 26 years and if I have children I wish a girl that should be called Dafne Regina.

But not it that spends hereinafter the future is so unpredictable that I wish that my plans and dreams should be fulfilled.

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