lunes, 19 de abril de 2010

Archaeological discoveries in mexico

In Mexico 38,102 archaeological sites(places) have revealed themselves along his(her,your) territory, of which, 175 are opened the public. In these places full of magic, you will be able to discover the secrets that enclose the constructions of former cultures as the mexica, the maya or the teotihuacana.
Mexico is a rich territory in archaeological vestiges. Until July, 2006, the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) had registered a total of 38,102 sites(places) where they have found archaeological testimonies of the ancient cultures of Mexico, which include from big urban centers, where temples and monumental pyramids were built as those of Teotihuacan, in the State of Mexico; Fence, in Chiapas; Chichén Itzá and Uxmal, in Yucatan; The Tajín, in Veracruz, and Monte Albán, in Oaxaca, That enclosed have been declared as Heritage(Holdings) of the Humanity; up to simple sets habitacionales as those of Paquimé, in Chihuahua's condition(state) or the cave paintings of the Sierra of San Francisco, in Low California South; and surprising fossil remains of prehistoric animals, as which they have found in Corner Colorado, Coahuila.
very year, the specialists announce new archaeological discoveries, since in the whole national territory former pre-Hispanic accessions are covered by the thickness of the jungles, by mounds of land accumulated thanks to the erosion or buried under the urban zones as(like) in case of the former capital of the kingdom mexica, Tenochtitlan's city, which temples and buildings are buried under the streets of the Historical Center of the modern Mexico City.

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