lunes, 19 de abril de 2010

The use of technology in the classroom

The use of technology in the classroom
In my opinion, I believe that the use of technology in the classroom is of great advantage for the learning of students of any level of schooling, from kindergarten through higher education, also how to learn from students is more expeditiously and specifically, only to do math is helpful to make computer and see how they will be breaking down each of the algebraic operations, and not only that, but also in the case of geometrical figures, can be three-dimensional display for greater understanding of angles, corners, slopes and all that the teacher wants them to teach their students.

The downside of technology, according to me, is that every time we have become useless, and instead of exercising our minds are only stunting, school use of scientific calculators saves us time, but really do not know how performing the procedure, and with just pressing a few buttons to get results immediately. Another drawback I find is that with the internet, and do not read books, now instead of doing research in libraries with real books, virtual libraries visited only by just typing a few characters give us what we want and do not read well.
Jose Gerardo Carrazco Lara.

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