lunes, 12 de abril de 2010

The Wonderful "Alice in wonderland"

Directed by Tim Burton

Written by Linda Woolverton(screenplay)and Lewis Carroll(books)

Cast:Mia Wasikowska, Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter and Anne Hathaway.

This movie, with the dinamic duo Burton-Deep and a increible story, that is the result of a mixture of two books: 'Alice in Wonderland' (1865) and 'Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There' (1871). Both novels written by Lewis Carroll is the best animation movie that I've seen in recent times.

And here I have some reason to not stop watching the movie:

The dark passions of Lewis Carrol: With this new film will have a new opportunity to scrutinize the character of Alice. Possibly, and is part of the legend surrounding the life of the author, Lewis Carroll (pseudonym of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) left clues about his relationship with Alice Liddell. This legend is related to the photographs that Lewis Carroll and Alice did to other girls. It is said that Lewis Carroll wrote the story for Alice Liddell.

The story: The plot is very engaging. Full of nuances and hidden messages. Lewis Carroll was a mathematician so 'Alice in Worderland' contains numerous references to mathematics. For example, separation of the Cheshire Cat smile during a conversation with Alice refers to the separation of the physical reality of mathematical concepts.

The visual strength of the films of Tim Burton: If anything have the films of Tim Burton is the originality of his pictures, very typical. Sinister atmosphere (Edward Scissorhands, The Nightmare Before Christmas) or style "theme park" (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory).

The BSO. The music for the film, composed by Danny Elfman, is another attraction. In the soundtrack to participate Franz Ferdinand, Avril Lavigne, among others.

And of course nobody can be lost Jhonny Deep in one more film!

Grecia Barrera

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