lunes, 12 de abril de 2010

Legalization of Marihuana

I think that the legalization of marihuana is a very sensitive issue and should think very well.


-It could reduce drug trafficking.

-Would be one of the most profitable businesses in Mexico, because when something legal and more access to it, would cease to be so expensive. And diminish the power and wealth of the traffickers who ultimately are the ones who control the economy in our country.


-Maybe increase the consumption and the number of consumers.

-The marihuana would be closer to all of us and it would cause irreversible damage.

From my very personal point of view, I really believe that everything we do, think, or enjoyed, has to do with our education and values that we teach from our family, so long as we live in damaged environments, violence, insecurity and others, no matter whether the drugs are legal or not, it will remain many children, youths and adults addicted to them.

Grecia Barrera

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