lunes, 22 de febrero de 2010

My name is Karen, I am 22 years old, I have one sister her name is Paloma Elizabeth, she have two childs, She and my nephew´s are very important for me I´m very very happy with my family. My parents are divorce, My dady live in Chicago Illinois.
I´m married, my husband is Hector, We have two years married, We never fight, He is Chilango but Tuzo of heart. My husband and I shared two hobby the cars ferrari and the horror cinema.
I like go to the sopping with my friends, I like eat Mexican food, I hate the people lying.
My best friends is Diana and Memis.

About me

Hello everyone!

I'm Monica, I am 19 years old, live in Santa Maria Tecajete, study for a degree in Communication at the UAEH.
To go to school I have to travel every day ... I like the film, also his popcorn, I love music, but mostly I love to eat Mexican snacks, I love them!
I have a pet, a cocker spaniel, his name is Tobby, has two years living with us.
I have no brothers or sisters, sometimes I'd like a sister to talk and all that.
I'd love to someday learn to skate, if ice is better.
I like being with my friends and my house with my family and also with my boyfriend, I try to enjoy things that life gives you, no matter how minor they may be.
See you later

By: Monica Aranda Cuellar Bocardo

jueves, 18 de febrero de 2010


Since I was a child I liked the horses and so I decided to buy one, but I have a problem, the horse that I refuse to give the sides, does not want to walk or to one side or another, and I do not spend there, and I have to force it down to make way, and I'm getting sick because I do not get good results, hopefully I could help.

Watch what you do is first of all not afraid of your horse, because these animals are very smart and realize when a person fears them, and if this happens the horse will do what you want, you must prove to your horse your command and so that way the animal will feel the government of his master, you must also use spurs as support for when your horse does not want to walk somewhere, spurs, drove him to do what I sent you, remember that you can the whip for support.

José Gerardo Carrazco Lara

My parents

When my father was a 7, he could ride a horse, but he couldn´t cock. He learn to ride a horse because he carried the food to his brothers who worked in the field.
Two years later he returned to school after a truck ran over him, as he was ill learned to read and write.
When my mom was a child she wanted to work but left her and she cried.
A few year
s later she could work but she couldn´t study, finally she study nursing.
My parents had three children, and now has been released as grandparents of a beautiful baby, she's my niece

José Gerardo Carrazco Lara

Hi Concetta

What a pleasure to hear from you, It is good that you would come in the summer, if yes, of course I'll help as you need, not when some language schools in England, but I'm told are very good, the next Saturday will send you the information you need to immediately attend the courses, so that your pronunciation is as you want and you succeed in your job, is more, when you get to England myself I'll give you some tips so you wont have problems with the language and you provide.
I send a kiss and a hug and see you in the summer
José Gerardo Carrazco Lara

martes, 16 de febrero de 2010


Hello Concetta,

How are you? I'm really happy to come to England, I also use a lot of language in my work, I would love to help. I've heard of that school is good, I'll send you more information and when you're here, if you want I can take myself to see other options, could stay in my house and hanging out with my friends, are very friendly you will see that we have great fun . Notify me when you come to England to prepare something delicious to eat. Drop me a line as soon as possible.

See you later

Best wishes,


By: Mónica Aranda Cuellar Bocardo

Grandmom and Mother

I'll talk a little about my grandmom and my mom.
When my grandmom was a child could draw very well, she made drawings whenever he could.
She is very intelligent and creative.

When my mom was six or seven he could read and write well, but could not ride a bike.
Sometimes she could not do their homework alone; mathematics was a bit complicated, then asked for help to his older brothers.
Like my grandmother, my mother could draw very well, and over time became interested in design, it was easy to do the drawings needed.
The two had fun and enjoyed what they did, I think that's why they came out very well ... I love them

By: Mónica Aranda Cuellar Bocardo


Should I marry him?

I have been with my Fiance for almost four years, we are going to married next year but, there are a couple of concerns I have: one is the fact that he never talks about his feelings, he keeps everything inside of him. He sometimes has trouble with expressing his excitement about things also.
He never buys me flowers or takes me out to dinner. He says that he doesn´t know why, but he never thinks of things like that.
I don´t know if this is a side affect of depression or, maybe, he is sick of me. He says that he loves me and that wants to marry with me, if this is true, what is his problem?
Female, 19

I think you should talk to him about how you are feeling. You should tell him what you are thinking about him, the things that you don´t like about him and how could he resolve. It´s important that you express everything you feel, because I thing communication is the base of marriage. I hope you take this advice seriously, good luck.

By: Mónica Aranda Cuellar Bocardo

domingo, 14 de febrero de 2010

I´m one of those guys who have ¨the quite normal¨ problem: I´m in love with a girl, but i don´t know what to do. I have already had a crush on some girls, never with any success, but this something different. my problems is actually that I´m too cowardly to tell her anything. I know that she likes me and we´re very, very good friends. We´ve known each other for about three years, and our about problems with each other, and so I know she is having problems with her boyfriend (who i think is no good for her) we meet almost every day. We always have very much fun together, but is it really so difficult to love someone who has been a good chum to you until now?
Male, 15

You must tell him how you really feel for her, if you have problems with your boyfriend you must support it, I think that if you show what you really feel for her, it will be easier than you accept, you have the advantage that you know very well Well, I think you should overcome your fears.

Karen Isabel Pérez Cervantes.

Hi rob
Just to let you know that I´m thinking of coming to England this summer. You know I have to use English a lot at work now, and I think I need some extra lessons. I especially want my pronunciation to be better you´re always telling me it´s bad! Anyway, I saw an ad in a magazine for a school in York. Isn´t that quite near you? Can you send me some more information about language schools in your area? It would be great to see you while I´m there, and I´d also love to meet some of your friends.
Can´t wait to hear from you. See you soon I hope.

Hi Concetta

I'm happy coming to England. It's good that you worry about your pronunciation that is really bad, I know you can improve a lot, I think there is only one school that really can help. The information that the school sends you on Wednesday for the checks. phone me when you get to go to the airport and pick you could have dinner with some friends I'll be happy to give you a hug and a kiss Greetings.

Karen Isabel Pérez Cervantes

I speak a little of my parents
When my father was six years could do many things, could take care of himself, he never was a good student, he had to look after sheep, my father could climb trees, he could run very fast, did not speak very well, unlike of the mother was always very smart when I was six, always get good grades in school, she had to behave very well and had to speak very well, she has always loved learning new things, I think I have something of the two were always very different.

I love my parents.
Karen Isabel Pérez Cervantes

Hello Concetta!


I'm really happy because you are coming to England! I miss you so much.
Of course I can help you with your pronunciation and with your social life,
I'm sure you will be very good here.
I'm going to send you all the information you need, in two days, I think,because now I'm so busy,
you know, things of the school and the work, but I promise to investigate everything for you.
I can't wait for you, I think we are gonna pass a good time together.
Write you soon.
Grecia Barrera

sábado, 13 de febrero de 2010

Do you enjoyed your childhood?

Hi everybody!

Some people say the best time of life is childhood, I thik everythig depends on how you live the moment.
I can say my dad had a good childhood, he loves the football, so when he was a child, spent the afternoons playing with his friends, and he was the best. He's a enginer but he always wanted to be footballer, and he really has talent, but the life is strange, however, he enjoyed a lot his childhood.
My mom is very intelligent, since she was a child, she had the best notes at school, and she lived her childhood studying mathematics and she was really good!
This is a little bit about my family and the childhood of my parents!

See you!

Grecia Barrera

Should I Marry him?

I have been with my Fiance for almost four years, we are going to get married next year but, there are a couple of concerns I have: one is the fact that he never talks about his feelungs, he keeps everything inside of him. He sometimes has trouble with expressing his excitement about things also. He never buys me flowers or thakes me out to dinner. He says he doesn't know why, but he never thinks of things like that.
I don't know if this is a side affect of depression or, maybe, he is sick of me. He says that he loves me and that he wants to marry me. If this is true, what is his problem?
Female, 19

Hey! well, I think that is a big problem, because maybe he doesn't want to be like that, it is just his personality but you have to decide if you really love him. All the relationships are process and I think you are not happy. You should take your time, take it easy. You must think in your happiness, relax, the answer is inside you, listen your heart, he is gonna tell you if you should marry him or not!

Grecia Barrera

viernes, 12 de febrero de 2010

Rob has written!!!

My friend Concetta has recived an e-mail from Rob who lives in England, Concetta was very happy and she showed me the e-mail, it says...

Dear Concetta:

I can't belive that you're comming to England! I've missed you so much and even when I know your porpuse, it's incredible! I told you, remember "you will need to practice your English" but like always you didn't listen to me now we're going to work so hard in your lessons I'm thinking of the way we can't practice and I almost get it, I think York it's perfect for you and don't worry about it you can stay in my house with my sister besides I think you should do it, she'll love you and yes, it's really near to me, in this moment I'm sending you a copy of all the information that I found about languages you'll like it to be here and of course I've got the perfect group of friends for you.

I promisse I will write you soon.

Oh I'm so sad because Concetta is going to England, but also happy for to know more about Rob.

Written by: Sandra Lizette Franco Hernández

Hates School... What do you think he should do?

I have got a neighbor who is very worried about his own life, he is only 16, and he asked me an advice here his case...

I hate school. I cannot stand my school so I skip it almost every day. Luckily, I am a smart person and I am in all of the advanced classes and don't have reputation as a rebel. Only the people who really know me know about my strange feelings. My parents don't care - they don't even mention it if I don't go to school. What I end up doing is sleeping all day and they staying up all night talking to my girlfriend. I get behind in my work and when I try to go back to school I get a bunch of crap from my teachers and friends. I just get so depressed when I think about it. I have given up on trying to go back and now am considering dropping out altogether, but I really don't want to do that because I realize it would ruin my life. I don't want to go back at all but I also don't want it to ruin my life. I am so confused and I have really tried to go back and just can't take it. What should I do? Please help.

Male, 16.

What do you think? Well this is bad, I take long before answering but at the end I said:
You should go wiht a Psychologist because you said yo don't want to talk with your parents so I think a psychologist could help you as many ways as you can imagine I know it is not easy to be 16 but you must to look inside of yourself why do you want to drop out all your life? it's not right you should think in taht girlfriend, what will happen when you grow up? Think better the things and you'll see your life it's wonderful and you don't have to waste it.
What do you think it could be a great advice for this boy?
Written by: Sandra Lizette Franco Hernández.

In their words...

Well, I guees I'm the first one, today I'm going to tell you about my parents's childhood, you'll see they have a difficult childhood but at the end they have a wonderful end.
So I decided to interview them and I found incredible anwers, for example I didn't now my dad, when he was student, he also had to feet pigs and went for water to a deposit "wow!" I said.
About my mom, well she said when she was four she couldn't even have a doll because she's got seven brother so my grandparents couldn't buy her one. Imagine this, my dad left school when he was 12 because he had to work hard for his family; fortunately my mom was a little bit luckier she end the high school and she almost goes to college, in the end they have now a happy life and after the interview I felt more proud of them.
That's my family, that's me.

Writen by: Sandra Lizette Franco Hernández