viernes, 12 de febrero de 2010

Rob has written!!!

My friend Concetta has recived an e-mail from Rob who lives in England, Concetta was very happy and she showed me the e-mail, it says...

Dear Concetta:

I can't belive that you're comming to England! I've missed you so much and even when I know your porpuse, it's incredible! I told you, remember "you will need to practice your English" but like always you didn't listen to me now we're going to work so hard in your lessons I'm thinking of the way we can't practice and I almost get it, I think York it's perfect for you and don't worry about it you can stay in my house with my sister besides I think you should do it, she'll love you and yes, it's really near to me, in this moment I'm sending you a copy of all the information that I found about languages you'll like it to be here and of course I've got the perfect group of friends for you.

I promisse I will write you soon.

Oh I'm so sad because Concetta is going to England, but also happy for to know more about Rob.

Written by: Sandra Lizette Franco Hernández

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