viernes, 12 de febrero de 2010

In their words...

Well, I guees I'm the first one, today I'm going to tell you about my parents's childhood, you'll see they have a difficult childhood but at the end they have a wonderful end.
So I decided to interview them and I found incredible anwers, for example I didn't now my dad, when he was student, he also had to feet pigs and went for water to a deposit "wow!" I said.
About my mom, well she said when she was four she couldn't even have a doll because she's got seven brother so my grandparents couldn't buy her one. Imagine this, my dad left school when he was 12 because he had to work hard for his family; fortunately my mom was a little bit luckier she end the high school and she almost goes to college, in the end they have now a happy life and after the interview I felt more proud of them.
That's my family, that's me.

Writen by: Sandra Lizette Franco Hernández

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