lunes, 22 de febrero de 2010

About me

Hello everyone!

I'm Monica, I am 19 years old, live in Santa Maria Tecajete, study for a degree in Communication at the UAEH.
To go to school I have to travel every day ... I like the film, also his popcorn, I love music, but mostly I love to eat Mexican snacks, I love them!
I have a pet, a cocker spaniel, his name is Tobby, has two years living with us.
I have no brothers or sisters, sometimes I'd like a sister to talk and all that.
I'd love to someday learn to skate, if ice is better.
I like being with my friends and my house with my family and also with my boyfriend, I try to enjoy things that life gives you, no matter how minor they may be.
See you later

By: Monica Aranda Cuellar Bocardo

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