sábado, 13 de febrero de 2010

Should I Marry him?

I have been with my Fiance for almost four years, we are going to get married next year but, there are a couple of concerns I have: one is the fact that he never talks about his feelungs, he keeps everything inside of him. He sometimes has trouble with expressing his excitement about things also. He never buys me flowers or thakes me out to dinner. He says he doesn't know why, but he never thinks of things like that.
I don't know if this is a side affect of depression or, maybe, he is sick of me. He says that he loves me and that he wants to marry me. If this is true, what is his problem?
Female, 19

Hey! well, I think that is a big problem, because maybe he doesn't want to be like that, it is just his personality but you have to decide if you really love him. All the relationships are process and I think you are not happy. You should take your time, take it easy. You must think in your happiness, relax, the answer is inside you, listen your heart, he is gonna tell you if you should marry him or not!

Grecia Barrera

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