jueves, 2 de septiembre de 2010

Batman is sought

If you want to become a famous artist this is for you:
If you are tall, strong and you have blue eyes and brown hair
If you are daring, charismatic, you have an adventurous spirit, you are responsible and punctual.
This is for you, we are looking for an actor to interpretedness Batman superhero comics, the movie will be filmed in New York, San Francisco and Toronto, the contract will be for three years, the salary is 2 million dollars per year, so you know if you're interested you can go to our agency offices located in Chicago Illinois, golden bridge road no. 102. With the director Tomy Hotson.
By: Karen Isabel Pérez Cervantes

My favorite hero is Bruce Wayne, better known as "Batman", Batman I like that is mysterious, intelligent, and very gentlemanly, even though it is a caricature he is very handsome.
Bruno Diaz became Batman because as a child witnessed the murder of his parents, since then I swear I always fight for justice, Bruno is an expert in martial arts, has detective skills, is a master of disguise, is a multimillionaire and philanthropist, when he becomes Batman wears a costume with a black color with ears pointing Macara, and a mask that reveals her mouth, her chin and lips.
Batman has no superpowers but is based on science and technology to create weapons with which to combat evil. It is also a master of escapism, Batman has blue eyes, brown hair, tall and muscular, very handsome.
Since I was a child I always imagine that one day would be Batman's girlfriend, until I realized it was just a comic, but even so I think that is the representation of what would be the perfect man is gentle, noble and romantic is also charming, handsome, interesting, smart, has a sexy voice, he's attentive and gentlemanly, who does not like to have a boyfriend like him.
By Karen Elizabeth Perez Cervantes

martes, 31 de agosto de 2010

Two actors for his new movie: "New Dawn"

Icshu Productions looking for:

25 to 30 years of age to the characters of hero and villain.
For the character of the hero to have height of 1.80, muscular build, fair complexion, short curly hair.
The villain character height of 1.70 has approx. black hair, half complexion, black eyes, black beard or mustache.
Please report production office located in the Caspian Sea Street no. 13 col. walk from the flowers, for casting the 10th and September 11th from 11 to 3 in the afternoon.

Briseida Barrón González

"Karol, the man who became Pope"

My favorite hero is the protagonist Karol Wojtyla which appears throughout the movie, the character is noble, spiritual, humane, generous, good son and good priest, in terms of physical appearance has gray hair, white skin, and tall height, stout.

The film tells of Pope John Paul II and all he did since I was little and throughout his pontificate, it is definitely a movie that teaches us what a man so man can do for people.

Briseida Barrón González.

sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010

Would you like to participate in a television commercial?

See you at Pachuca on September 5, we are looking for:
Women 22-26 years old, light brown skin, tall, slim and charismatic for the role of Samantha
Male 24 to 28 years old, dark, tall, short hair and strong body for the role of Robert
We also need 16 guys and girls who are between 20 and 25 years of age to participate as extras.
If you are interested you can contact us by phone 55785463 or visit us, we are in Miguel Alemán Street #54, Colonia Centro, Pachuca Hidalgo.

The Joker: My Favourite Villain

Hello again!!!!!! How have you been? I hope well, after this short period of vacation I'm going to talk about my favorite villain (This seems to child movie title, isn't it?)
The Joker appeard in the comics from the decade of the 40's and 80's, this character is the enemy of Batman, this is one of the best known and influential figures in the history of DC Comics.
The Joker looks like a clown, althoug at first was considered very silly, elaborate Joker crimes eventually become the most dangerous enemy of Batman, reaching it speak of popularity in the mid 60's.
Manic unconsciousness is what makes the Joker a real threat. He has often used weapons such as explosive cigarettes, electrical high voltage manual, on other occasions has taken as a weapon was found at hand, be a lever or a machine gun and devastated everything in his path. His weapon is it´s most infamous "Joker Venom" a substance from his invention by introducing into the stream of his victims, leaving the faces of these deformations with a face similar to that of the Joker.
His real name is still unknow, but in some stories about their origins disclosed that his name is Jack Reipan.

That is why for me, makes it the best comic book villain, The Joker definitely is my favourite.

domingo, 16 de mayo de 2010

My Dreams

My dreams
Hello my name is Gerardo I have 20 years, now I study the University,
also practice some sports for example football, cycling and flourish of rope.
One of my dreams is to finish my career and then devote completely to the charrería, and I would like to be full charro nationally recognized.
Another dream is to work hard to create a solid heritage,
have a ranch and many horses, and then have a family and not have to worry about anything.

José Gerardo Carrazco Lara.

viernes, 14 de mayo de 2010

About my dreams...

Hi guys what's up?
Well now I guess I will tell you about my plans; I'm 20 years old an for the moment I'm studying communication and the next plan for me is to finish it then I would like to make a mastery abroad yes that's one of my dream If a had money the first thing that I would do would be to travel around the world I would travel to U.K and Venice, I would buy lots and lots of clothes and books and shoes and bags I would make my dream come true: buy my Aston Martin V12 Vanquish or My Volvo, of course first i have to find a job and I would like to work in a fashion magazine like Vogue or Elle.

I'd also like to lear to play the guitar or the piano or the drums and buy each one for me.

You know my passion is to write so If I have Luck I would like to publish one of my two novels that I'm writing it'll be fantastic! with that money I could buy a department and move from my twon I would buy many pairs of shoes to my mom and a ferrari for my dad, I would go to all of my favourite bands' concerts and for sure I would help poor people.

In my personal life marrige good idea but when the right boy knock to my door I might say yes, I would like to have a child and if Good has mercy of my soul (jajaja that's pathetic) I would like to have two a boy and a girl, maybe twins. The names are surprise it depends of the father´s last name, but I will live in a beautiful house with a lake and trees and a huge garden.

That's a lot of imagination? I don't think so These are my plans and I assure you I will carry out all of my plans.

My biggest dream has always been to work in a fashion magazine. If I work in a fashion magazine would be friends with fashion designers like Giorgio Armani, Carolina Herrera, Dolce & Gabbana, Oscar de la Renta, etc. If I was friends with them would tell them that disearan exclusive clothes for me, if I were rich I would buy a Pininfarina Ferrary my husband, but also if I were rich I would buy a pink mustang, I think that's my biggest dream or, but if I were rich, spend much money on bags, shoes, and clothing. But those are just dreams, but I do not like to be rich, because if I were rich would not be happy. By Karen Isabel Pérez Cervantes

Hello. My name is Miriam Enriqueta. I am 20 years old. I study the master in sciences of the communication in two years it will finish the master and I have plans great by then.

My immediate plans are to realize my thesis and manages my title prompt mas possible to obtain a work in some newspaper or magazine or maybe as teacher.

If I was main I would wish that out of boys of preparatory I do not think that they are mas easy to control that the university students and I say it for that I am university and in spite of being a person in charge I see like many of my companions they are a disaster.

I would be charmed with helping my dads for everything what they gave to me if I obtain a prompt work it will help my dads economically in order that my mom stops working and devotes itself to my seven-year-old brother and to my dad and between the two control the small one it would repair that they have

In my plans of life not this to marry rather I want to grow professionally in my master maybe to do a maestría and for that not a doctorate.

But if some day I manage to marry I would like that it was after praises 26 years and if I have children I wish a girl that should be called Dafne Regina.

But not it that spends hereinafter the future is so unpredictable that I wish that my plans and dreams should be fulfilled.

jueves, 13 de mayo de 2010

My dreams

I never do plans because I think life is here and now.
But I dream with be a jouernalist of war,
that's could be wonderful, be parto the history, see with my own eyes.

But my bigest passion is the theatre so, I want be an actress too.

I would be de both things at he same time,

I would be happy, and I could have money but most importante than be famous and rich,
is my happiness.

I don't want to have children and I don't believe in marry, If i were journalist and actress,
I would be a free spirit all my life!

Oh gad! I'm a dreamer!

Grecia Barrera

miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2010

My Dreams

Hello all again. Maybe you don´t know, but I'm about to turn 20 years old. Now, I am in fourth semester of the degree in Communication Sciences, and I have designed many plans for my future.
For example, in first of all, for the next month I do intersemester to rest a little of all the future tasks of the next semester. When finished, I can only rest a week, so I will sleep a lot.
In the next semester I will study hard, I will also continue with my English course.
When finish the university i will work in an advertising agency. When i have a lot of money, I will buy a nice house with large garden and a pickup truck.
I marry a very handsome man and meets all my expectations. Then, when i were 26 or 27 years old, I will have my first girl, my second child going to be called Jesus Eduardo.
Those are my main plans and desires, well, until next time, bye.

lunes, 26 de abril de 2010

using tecniology in a class

The use of the technology in the classes is a way in the one that we remain communicated the whole day and if there are requested we it is possible to find us easily in case of the cellular one, in that of the computer it(he,she) does not allow to digitize our ideas works etc.
In certain point it(he) is bad(wrong) for that we have played the role ourselves so dependent on the technology through that nowadays we cannot live without her(it) since we believe that it(she) is very necessary.
I think that the use of the technology is not bad(wrong) but also it(she) must be measured without revasar border.

sábado, 24 de abril de 2010

lunes, 19 de abril de 2010

The use of technology in the classroom

The use of technology in the classroom
In my opinion, I believe that the use of technology in the classroom is of great advantage for the learning of students of any level of schooling, from kindergarten through higher education, also how to learn from students is more expeditiously and specifically, only to do math is helpful to make computer and see how they will be breaking down each of the algebraic operations, and not only that, but also in the case of geometrical figures, can be three-dimensional display for greater understanding of angles, corners, slopes and all that the teacher wants them to teach their students.

The downside of technology, according to me, is that every time we have become useless, and instead of exercising our minds are only stunting, school use of scientific calculators saves us time, but really do not know how performing the procedure, and with just pressing a few buttons to get results immediately. Another drawback I find is that with the internet, and do not read books, now instead of doing research in libraries with real books, virtual libraries visited only by just typing a few characters give us what we want and do not read well.
Jose Gerardo Carrazco Lara.

Conversation Gerardo Carrazco y Miriam Gómez

Archaeological discoveries in mexico

In Mexico 38,102 archaeological sites(places) have revealed themselves along his(her,your) territory, of which, 175 are opened the public. In these places full of magic, you will be able to discover the secrets that enclose the constructions of former cultures as the mexica, the maya or the teotihuacana.
Mexico is a rich territory in archaeological vestiges. Until July, 2006, the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) had registered a total of 38,102 sites(places) where they have found archaeological testimonies of the ancient cultures of Mexico, which include from big urban centers, where temples and monumental pyramids were built as those of Teotihuacan, in the State of Mexico; Fence, in Chiapas; Chichén Itzá and Uxmal, in Yucatan; The Tajín, in Veracruz, and Monte Albán, in Oaxaca, That enclosed have been declared as Heritage(Holdings) of the Humanity; up to simple sets habitacionales as those of Paquimé, in Chihuahua's condition(state) or the cave paintings of the Sierra of San Francisco, in Low California South; and surprising fossil remains of prehistoric animals, as which they have found in Corner Colorado, Coahuila.
very year, the specialists announce new archaeological discoveries, since in the whole national territory former pre-Hispanic accessions are covered by the thickness of the jungles, by mounds of land accumulated thanks to the erosion or buried under the urban zones as(like) in case of the former capital of the kingdom mexica, Tenochtitlan's city, which temples and buildings are buried under the streets of the Historical Center of the modern Mexico City.

lunes, 12 de abril de 2010


This is a little conversation between Karen and me, Grecia, pay atention!

Legalization of Marihuana

I think that the legalization of marihuana is a very sensitive issue and should think very well.


-It could reduce drug trafficking.

-Would be one of the most profitable businesses in Mexico, because when something legal and more access to it, would cease to be so expensive. And diminish the power and wealth of the traffickers who ultimately are the ones who control the economy in our country.


-Maybe increase the consumption and the number of consumers.

-The marihuana would be closer to all of us and it would cause irreversible damage.

From my very personal point of view, I really believe that everything we do, think, or enjoyed, has to do with our education and values that we teach from our family, so long as we live in damaged environments, violence, insecurity and others, no matter whether the drugs are legal or not, it will remain many children, youths and adults addicted to them.

Grecia Barrera

The History of Facebook

The creator of Facebook is Mark Zuckerberg, a student at Harvard University. The company is headquartered in Palo Alto, California.

The idea of creating a Web-based community where people share his tastes and feelings is not new. And David Bohnett, founder of GeoCities, had hatched in the late 1980s. Geocities was successful in 1990 in 1998 was the third most viewed site on the Web, but failed to consolidate after it was acquired by Yahoo!.

Facebook open competition for space between successful companies like Google and MySpace, so it is facing major challenges to grow and develop. One strategy has been to open Zuckerberg Facebook platform to other developers.

Facebook's strength lies in the social network of 90 million users have created, connections based on real people. It has now launched Facebook in Spanish, extending not only to persons of a specific social class, but is covering a range social. Almost anyone with basic computer skills can access this world of virtual communities.


Who is the creator of Facebook?

How does the idea for Fb?

Is this social network the first one in the cyber world?

Who can access Facebook?

Grecia Barrera

The Wonderful "Alice in wonderland"

Directed by Tim Burton

Written by Linda Woolverton(screenplay)and Lewis Carroll(books)

Cast:Mia Wasikowska, Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter and Anne Hathaway.

This movie, with the dinamic duo Burton-Deep and a increible story, that is the result of a mixture of two books: 'Alice in Wonderland' (1865) and 'Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There' (1871). Both novels written by Lewis Carroll is the best animation movie that I've seen in recent times.

And here I have some reason to not stop watching the movie:

The dark passions of Lewis Carrol: With this new film will have a new opportunity to scrutinize the character of Alice. Possibly, and is part of the legend surrounding the life of the author, Lewis Carroll (pseudonym of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) left clues about his relationship with Alice Liddell. This legend is related to the photographs that Lewis Carroll and Alice did to other girls. It is said that Lewis Carroll wrote the story for Alice Liddell.

The story: The plot is very engaging. Full of nuances and hidden messages. Lewis Carroll was a mathematician so 'Alice in Worderland' contains numerous references to mathematics. For example, separation of the Cheshire Cat smile during a conversation with Alice refers to the separation of the physical reality of mathematical concepts.

The visual strength of the films of Tim Burton: If anything have the films of Tim Burton is the originality of his pictures, very typical. Sinister atmosphere (Edward Scissorhands, The Nightmare Before Christmas) or style "theme park" (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory).

The BSO. The music for the film, composed by Danny Elfman, is another attraction. In the soundtrack to participate Franz Ferdinand, Avril Lavigne, among others.

And of course nobody can be lost Jhonny Deep in one more film!

Grecia Barrera

domingo, 11 de abril de 2010


Joe Roth was the developer of Alice in Wonderland in April 2007 in Walt Disney Pictures as a writer Linda Woolverton and collaboration, among others, Justin Pollard (Visual Artefact) [4] as a technical advisor, literary and characters. That November, Burton signed with Disney to direct two films in Disney Digital 3-D, which included Alice in Wonderland and its new version of Frankenweenie. He explained "the goal is to try to make a movie where you can get attractive Dela alguana psychology, but also keep the classic nature of Alice." In previous versions, Burton said, "It's always a crazy girl wanders from one character to another, and never really felt any emotional connection." His goal with this new film is to give the story "under any antecedent emotional" and "to try to make Alice a story instead of a series of events." Burton focused on the poem Jabberwocky as part of its structure. Burton also stated that he does not see the version, either as a sequel to any existing or Alicia film as a "re-imagined."

This film was originally scheduled to be released in 2009, but was postponed until March 5, 2010. Principal photography is scheduled for May 2008 but did not begin until September and ended three months later. Scenes that take place in the Victorian era were filmed at Torpoint and Plymouth from 1 September to 14 October. 250 local extras were chosen at the beginning of August. Locations included Antony House in Torpoint, Cornwall Charlestown, and The Barbican. Filming began in early October, Sony Pictures Studios in Culver City, California. Filming of the portion of the insertion of the chroma, which formed 90% of the film was made in just forty days. Many of the cast and staff felt nauseous after having filmed many hours surrounded by green crystal lavender Burton installed on their glasses offset the effect.
Sony Pictures Imageworks designed the special effects sequences. Burton felt it was appropriate third dimension to the mood of the story. Burton and Zanuck chose to shoot the film with conventional cameras and then convert the 3-D footage during post-production; Zanuch explained that the 3-D cameras were very expensive and "rude" to be used, and felt that there was no difference made between developed and scenes footage shot in that format. (The director James Cameron, who launched his film Avatar in 3-D, Burton criticized the choice of saying "makes no sense to shoot in 2-D and then made a 3-D.") Filming also took place at Culver Studios .


sábado, 10 de abril de 2010

A Call Between Friends

Hiii now I'm writing with my friend Mony this is a conversation when we met. I was in London and she was in France she took an English course for a month and she stayed in my house listen the conversation please.

Alice in Wonderland

Directed and produced by
Tim Burton

Danny Elfman

Mia Wasikowska
Johnny Depp
Helena Bonham Carter
Anne Hathaway
Christopher Lee
Alan Rickman
Stephen Fry
Michael Sheen
Matt Lucas
Alice in Wonderland is a fantasy movie with a budget of $ 200,000,000 dollars and with a major production house as is Walt Disney Pictures, has managed to capture the interest of large and small, making use of excellent special effects has made the release of this film surpassed many expectations.
The story is original of Lewis Carroll, who called his books "The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland" and "Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There."
In the story Alice is 19, attends a party in a Victorian mansion, where he lived as a child, that's where he discovers he is about to receive a marriage proposal. During the party observes a white rabbit, escapes and follows the white rabbit into a hole that goes down under a tree falls in the country Alice in Wonderland, a place I visited 10 years ago but can’t remember which nothing. The creatures that live there will say she is the only one who can kill the Jabberwocky, a dragon controlled by the Red Queen.
The Wonderland was a peaceful kingdom until the Red Queen overthrew his sister, the White Queen. Everyone hopes that will help Alicia, and AASI same, they will try to remember her first visit to the country.
The message of the movie is very nice, shows the value of friendship and on her period, never stop believing that the things you want can come true, for example, when Alice is afraid to face the Jabberwocky, and that's when you decide to believe in it and that really can do it.

It's definitely a movie you should go see.

By: Mónica Aranda Cuellar Bocardo

The first Artificial Satellite: Sputnik 1

The First Artificial Satellite: Sputnik 1

48 years ago, the first artificial satellite was launched, and named it "Sputnik 1".
Launched by the Soviet Union on October 4, 1957, 48 years ago, this satellite was the first of humanity.

The Sputnik 1 had an approximate mass of 83 kg, had two radio transmitters (20.007 and 40.002 MHz), and orbited the Earth at a distance of 938 km at apogee and 214 km at its perigee. The analysis of radio signals have been used to obtain information on the density of electrons in the ionosphere. The internal temperature and pressure were encoded in the duration of the emitted radio beeps, indicating that the satellite had not been punctured by a meteorite.

Sputnik 1 was launched with the launch vehicle R-7 and was incinerated during re-entry on January 3, 1958.

After several unsuccessful attempts to put a satellite in orbit around the Earth, Sputnik 1 was the first to reach its orbital slot. Was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Tyuratam (370 km southwest of the town of Baikonur) in Kazakhstan, formerly part of the Soviet Union.

Sputnik 1 was launched with the launch vehicle R-7 and was incinerated during re-entry on January 3, 1958.

After several unsuccessful attempts to put a satellite in orbit around the Earth, Sputnik 1 was the first to reach its orbital slot. Was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Tyuratam (370 km southwest of the town of Baikonur) in Kazakhstan, formerly part of the Soviet Union.

The word "Sputnik" in Russian means "companion", "comrade" ("satellite" in astronautics). The full official results, however as, "Artificial Earth Satellite" (ISZ in Russian).

Sputnik 1 was the first in a series of four satellites that were part of the Sputnik program in the former Soviet Union and was planned as a contribution to the International Geophysical Year (1957-1958), established by United Nations Organization. Three of these satellites (Sputnik 1 Sputnik 2 Sputnik 3) reached orbit.

The actual sequence of decision making with respect to the shape of Sputnik 1 was convoluted. Academic Keldysh initially devised a half ton satellite into a cone shape, with the ability to do many physical measurements in space, but when the Soviets read that the American project was designed Vanguard two satellites, one small to see if soon they could put something in orbit, the Soviets decided to do the same, creating what is translated as "The simplest satellite" which was one centimeter in diameter and was rather heavier than the "true" Vanguard.

The Sputnik 1 provided the first opportunity to detect meteorites, although none was detected. A loss of pressure inside due to penetration of the outer surface would have been reflected in the temperature data.

The transmitters operated for three weeks, until the failed chemical batteries on board. The satellite was monitored with great interest throughout the world. The satellite's orbit was observed later inactive optimally, to fall 92 days after launch (January 3, 1958), having completed 1,400 orbits of the Earth, accumulating a travel distance of approximately 70 million kilometers.

The apogee of the orbit declined from 947 km after launch to 600 km on 9 December.

Replica of Sputnik 1 will be seen in museums in Russia or in the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum (Smithsonian National Museum of Air and Space) in Washington DC.

In 2003, a reserve unit of Sputnik 1 called "model PS-1" was sold on eBay (without the radio, which was drawn during the 60 to be classified as military equipment). He had been on display at a science institute near Kiev. It is estimated that were constructed from four to twenty models testing purposes.

A model of Sputnik 1 was given as a gift to the United Nations and now decorates the lobby of its headquarters in New York, and will be there for much longer.

Answer the following questions using passive voice

Who threw the first artificial satellite?
It was launched by the Soviet Union

What could make the Sputnik 1?
Meteorites had been detected but not located Built in lifetime.

What have they done with the replica of Sputnik 1 now?
In recent years have shown replicas of Sputnik in Russia and one in the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum in Washington DC, but the radios had been removed because they are considered military equipment.

By: Mónica Aranda Cuellar Bocardo

domingo, 4 de abril de 2010

10 reasons you mustn't miss Alice in Wonderland.

By: Sandra Franco.
Have you watch Alice in Wonderland? Not yet? Well, these are 10 reasons you must go to the cinema and watch it.
1.- First, and the most important this is a film directed by Tim Burton who have directed another wonderfull films like Edward's Sicssorshands, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Sweeney Todd, etc.

2.- The special effects, you can watch Alice in 3D thanks to the especial technique with 3D cameras and always with green screen, they even didn't like the cameras because they are too clumsy.

3.- The story is based in the Lewis Carrol's novel Alice is 19 years she get a propose of marrige, when she realize what is happenning she run away following a white rabbit then she falls in a hole, (taht was an eternal jorney for me). she thinks everything it's a dream and she met Mallymkun, Tweedledum and Tweedledee and the white rabbit after she shrink and grow up because a potion; then she is hurt by the Cheshire Cat then she met all the characters including Tarrant the Mad Hatter, they explain evrything about the red queen and the famous Frabjous Day and the Alice's mission , kill the Jabberwocky, they think that she wasn't the real Alice.

4.- The emotional end when Alice face the Jabberwocky and the cuestion is Will Alice stay at wonderland or she will acept her future husband?

5.- The wardrobe for Alice it's amazing! since a traditional blue dress, for a coctel passing for a vaporous red dress till an armor.

6.- Johnny Deep's make up and of course all the character Depp and Burton decided that the Mad Hatter's clothes, skin, hair, personality and accent would change throughout the film to reflect his emotions.

7.- The characters, this film has got great hollywood stars like the marvelous Johnny Deep as Mad Hatter, Helena Boham Carter who has appeared in Harry Potter and Sweeney Todd she plays The red queen; Anne Hathaway famous for The Princess's Dairies and The Devil Wears Prada this time she plays the white queen; and the new one Mia Wasikowska.

8.- The voices of Alan Rickman, Michael Sheen, Christopher Lee and Matt Lucas in thier characters "Absolem", "The white rabbit", "The Jabberwocky" and "The little spheres" "Tweedledum and Tweedledee".

9.- The Marketing On June 22, 2009, the first pictures of the film were released, showing Depp as the Mad Hatter, Hathaway as the White Queen, Bonham Carter as the Red Queen and Lucas as Tweedledee and Tweedledum. A new image of Alice was also released. In July, new photos emerged of Alice holding a white rabbit, the Mad Hatter with a hare, the Red Queen holding a pig, and the White Queen with a mouse.

10.- The "Futterwacken", find what's that.

sábado, 3 de abril de 2010

Alice in Wonderland

Director: Tim Burton

Genre: Fantasy and Adventure


Johnny Depp
Mad Hatter

Helena Bonham Carter
Red Queen

Anne Hathaway
White Queen

Crispin Glover

Matt Lucas
Tweedledee / Tweedledum

Stephen Fry
Cheshire Cat (voice)

Michael Sheen
White Rabbit (voice)

The Film of Alice in Wonderland is about a girl who one day corn through a hole and traveled to a wonderful world, time passes and alicia grows, it becomes a girl distracted and unable to make cesiciones, a day after alicia many years was their engagement party and it appears the rabbit, she runs behind him and not wanting to return to that wonderful world, falls through the hole several feet, falls into a room with several doors, she must choose one to get out, take a posion that makes it contract in the door you had to leave was very small, it shrinks and does not reach the key that was on a table, then eats a cake to re-grow and achieve key, shrink back and out the door.
When Alice is back out with the rabbit, a rat, two chubby very funny, they do not think it's alicia, suffering an attack by a monster that is sent by the Red Queen, Alice is baffled that thinks all is a dream and she just wants to wake up, after having been attacked by the monster alicia keep walking, and find the cat, the cat takes Alice with Mad Hatter and tells all the tragedies that have passed since the last visit alice on wonderland as the red queen's subjects had captured the white queen, and tells him to end the Red Queen had to kill a monster that looked like a dragon, the soldiers of the Red Queen capture the hatter and Alice decides to rescue and find the sword with which he had to kill the dragon, the sword is alicia and she is chased by the red queen until he finally unleashes a great battle as a chess board, manages to kill alicia the dragon, and the white queen gives her some drops of dragon's blood and returns to his home after this adventure alicia decide not to marry and who will take over his father's business. And it seems that there will be a sequel.

By Karen Isabel Pérez Cervantes

The invention of computer

Read the story of The invention of computer and underline the sentences an passive form.

There is not just one inventor of the computer, as the ideas of many scientists and engineers led to its invention. These ideas were developed in the 1930s and 1940s, mostly independently of each other, in Germany, Great Britain and the USA, and were turned into working machines.

In Germany, Konrad Zuse hit upon the idea of building a program-controlled calculating machine when he had to deal with extensive calculations in statics. In 1935, he began to design a program-controlled calculating machine in his parents' home in Berlin. It was based on the binary system and used punched tape for the program input. The Z1, which was built between 1936 and 1938, was a purely mechanical machine which was not fully operational. In 1940, Zuse began to build a successor to the Z1 based on relay technology. In May 1941, he finished the Z3 - worldwide the first freely programmable program-controlled automatic calculator that was operational.

Several similar developments were in progress in the USA at the same time. In 1939, IBM started to build a program-controlled relay calculator on the basis of a concept that Howard H. Aiken had put forward in 1937. This machine - the IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator (Mark I) - was used on production work from 1944.

However, it was not Aiken's and Stibitz's relay calculators that were decisive for the development of the universal computer but the ENIAC, which was developed at the Moore School of Electrical Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania. Extensive ballistic computations were carried out there for the U.S. Army during World War II with the aid of a copy of the analog Differential Analyzer, which had been designed by Vannevar Bush, and more than a hundred women working on mechanical desk calculators. Nevertheless, capacity was barely sufficient to compute the artillery firing tables that were needed. In August 1942, John W. Mauchly, a physicist, presented a memo at the Moore School for a vacuumtube computer that was conceived as a digital version of the Differential Analyzer.

Mauchly had adopted John Vincent Atanasoff's idea for an electronic computer. Atanasoff had developed the ABC special-purpose computer at the Iowa State College (now Iowa State University) to solve systems of linear equations. Mauchly had viewed the ABC in June 1940. John Presper Eckert, a young electronic engineer at the Moore School, was responsible for the brilliant engineering of the new ENIAC. The work began on 31 May 1943 with funding from the U.S. Army. In February 1946, successful program runs were demonstrated.

At almost the same time, the Model I to Model VI relay calculators were built at Bell Laboratories in New York following a suggestion by George R. Stibitz.
John von Neumann, an influential mathematician, turned his attention to the ENIAC in the summer of 1944. While this computer was being built, von Neumann and the ENIAC team drew up a plan for a successor to the ENIAC. The biggest problem with the ENIAC was that its memory was too small. Eckert suggested a mercury delay-line memory which would increase memory capacity by a factor of 100 compared with the electronic memory used in the ENIAC.

An equally big problem was programming the ENIAC, which could take hours or even days.

In meetings with von Neumann, the idea of a stored-program, universal machine evolved. Memory was to be used to store the program in addition to data. This would enable the machine to execute conditional branches and change the flow of the program. The concept of a computer in the modern sense of the word was born.

In spring 1944, von Neumann wrote his "First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC" (Electronic Discrete Variable Computer) which described the stored-program, universal computer. The logical structure that was presented in this draft report is now referred to as the von Neumann architecture. This EDVAC report was originally intended for internal use only but it became the "bible" for computer pioneers throughout the world in the 1940s and 1950s.

The first two computers featuring the von Neumann architecture were not built in America but in Great Britain. On 21 June 1948, Frederic C. Williams of the University of Manchester managed to run the prototype of the Manchester Mark I, and thus proved it was possible to build a stored-program, universal computer. The first really functional von Neumann computer was built by Maurice Wilkes at Cambridge University. This machine called EDSAC first ran a program on 6 May 1949 computing a table of square numbers.

By Karen Isabel Pérez Cervantes

advantages and disadvantages using mobile phone while driving

The mobile phone is a invention that change the world.
Them advantages of mobile phone is very useful, you can are announcement in any places, for example in your car, you can send text message while driving your car, you can put the loudspeaker for that all listen and you have not leave of drive.

Using mobile phone while driving also has some disadvantages an principal cause of them motor accident is tha people using mobile phone when driving, when you reply your phone you can distract and crash or something worsw you can to knock a person.

I never using mobile phone while driving for a reason very very important for me I isn´t drive. Ups. jajaja.
By Karen Isabel Pérez Cervantes

lunes, 29 de marzo de 2010

Activity: The Zippers

Now guys you could do this activity ready?
Well it's easy just try to find 3 sentenses in passive voice I'll write my 3.

1.-An early device superficially similar to the zipper, was patented in the United States by Elias Howe in 1851.

2.-The clasps were joined together by a string, which, when pulled taut, caused the clasps to be evenly spaced along the closure.

3.-Initial versions of the zipper were based on the "hook and eye" principle.

See that was very easy now it's you turn tell me if you found more.
See you.
Xoxo, Sandy.

Zippers: A story for the history

By: Sandra Lizette Franco.
His guys I'm so happy to write again, this time I'm gonig to tell you about the zeppers, everyone know this simple object taht madeo of our lives easier.
Hook and eye model

An early device superficially similar to the zipper, "an Automatic, Continuous Clothing Closure", was patented in the United States by Elias Howe in 1851. Unlike the zipper, Howe's invention had no slider; instead a series of clasps slid freely along both edges to be joined, with each clasp holding the two sides together at whichever pair of points along them it was located. The clasps were joined together by a string, which, when pulled taut, caused the clasps to be evenly spaced along the closure, thus holding the two edges together. Pulling in the other direction caused the clasps to become bunched up at one end, by which means the device was opened.

The true zipper was the product of a series of incremental improvements over more than twenty years, by inventors and engineers associated with a sequence of companies that were the progenitors of Talon, Inc. This process began with a version called the "clasp locker", invented by American born inventor Whitcomb L. Judson of Chicago (previously of Minneapolis and New York City) in Akron, Ohio, and for which a patent (No. 504,038) was first applied on Nov. 7, 1891. It culminated in 1914 with Gideon Sundbäck's invention of the "Hookless Fastener No. 2", the first version of the zipper without any major design flaws and essentially indistinguishable from modern zippers.

Initial versions of the zipper were based on the "hook and eye" principle, rather than on interlocking teeth, and tended to come apart easily. Some versions depended on constant pressure from one side of the joined fabric in order to hold together at all, which limited applications. In the 1891 version, the slider detached entirely from the zipper when not being used to open or close.

Judson, together with business partner Harry Earle, founded the first incarnation of what was to eventually become Talon Inc., in Chicago in 1894, as the Universal Fastener Company. The design deficiencies, combined with difficulties in getting the machinery needed for mass production to work, prevented the early devices from reaching market, which led to financial hardships for the company. This in turn led to a series of reorganizations and name changes, as well as relocations, first to Catasauqua, Pennsylvania; then to Elyria, Ohio; Hoboken, New Jersey; and finally Meadville, Pennsylvania.

Now we can see them in any sort of clothes, purses, shoes, trainers, headbands, etc.

lunes, 22 de marzo de 2010

Advantages and disadvantages of using mobile while driving

Advantages of using mobile while driving
1. You don´t get bored driving alone to go.
2. You are in touch with your acquaintances, for the case of an emergency

Disadvantages of using mobile while driving
1. You can cause an accident and hurt someone or yourself
2. An officer may be fined
3. If you crash you would have to pay damages
4. In a crash you could go to the hospital

The cell phone is very important, because through this device can locate your friends and be located no matter the place where you are, but it is also important to know when it is convenient to use and when not.
For example, the law says you should not use cell phones or other electronic device while driving, but most people do not respect the law, so you can cause several consequences:
We must be aware that we can not only hurt us, but on the road are other people who, by imprudence our (answer phone) could lose control of the vehicle and cause an accident, hurting others, the consequences could range from a few blows to the death.
Other consequences less serious, so to speak, would be a fine and / or pay for damage to vehicles, in case you have not been injured, otherwise also would have to pay medical expenses, so it is necessary be careful and respect the laws are for our welfare.

By: Mónica Aranda Cuellar Bocardo

miércoles, 17 de marzo de 2010

The advantages and disadvantages of using technology in class

Hi guys it's me again,Sandy and I'm so happy to write again no with an interesting topic; have you ever asked how would be life without technology?
Of course we are so accustomed to computers and mobiles so much that now we probably could not live without any of this stuff but, is really usefull when we are in class?
Well, there are some advantages and some disadvantages, let's see.

I think it hasn't got many advantages, some of them, for example, are that it's easier for the homeworks and I think it's a good resource for the learner because we can know many things from other places and besides reduces time and some times costs.

But technology has got also lots of disadvantages, in general is using up all the resources in the planet and creates problems of obesity, but if we take a look inside a classroom we'll find many people become distracted and so they don't pay attention to the class, academic level decreases and they can reach a good level besides communication stalls and we can't interact with our classmates, ceasing to have that social contact, not to mention many homeworks are not done by the students because they don't write themselves the homework, they just copy and paste.

In brief technology is good for our lives but dangerous if we don't noe how to use it; and for this day that's all I hope to write so soon bye bye.

lunes, 22 de febrero de 2010

My name is Karen, I am 22 years old, I have one sister her name is Paloma Elizabeth, she have two childs, She and my nephew´s are very important for me I´m very very happy with my family. My parents are divorce, My dady live in Chicago Illinois.
I´m married, my husband is Hector, We have two years married, We never fight, He is Chilango but Tuzo of heart. My husband and I shared two hobby the cars ferrari and the horror cinema.
I like go to the sopping with my friends, I like eat Mexican food, I hate the people lying.
My best friends is Diana and Memis.

About me

Hello everyone!

I'm Monica, I am 19 years old, live in Santa Maria Tecajete, study for a degree in Communication at the UAEH.
To go to school I have to travel every day ... I like the film, also his popcorn, I love music, but mostly I love to eat Mexican snacks, I love them!
I have a pet, a cocker spaniel, his name is Tobby, has two years living with us.
I have no brothers or sisters, sometimes I'd like a sister to talk and all that.
I'd love to someday learn to skate, if ice is better.
I like being with my friends and my house with my family and also with my boyfriend, I try to enjoy things that life gives you, no matter how minor they may be.
See you later

By: Monica Aranda Cuellar Bocardo

jueves, 18 de febrero de 2010


Since I was a child I liked the horses and so I decided to buy one, but I have a problem, the horse that I refuse to give the sides, does not want to walk or to one side or another, and I do not spend there, and I have to force it down to make way, and I'm getting sick because I do not get good results, hopefully I could help.

Watch what you do is first of all not afraid of your horse, because these animals are very smart and realize when a person fears them, and if this happens the horse will do what you want, you must prove to your horse your command and so that way the animal will feel the government of his master, you must also use spurs as support for when your horse does not want to walk somewhere, spurs, drove him to do what I sent you, remember that you can the whip for support.

José Gerardo Carrazco Lara

My parents

When my father was a 7, he could ride a horse, but he couldn´t cock. He learn to ride a horse because he carried the food to his brothers who worked in the field.
Two years later he returned to school after a truck ran over him, as he was ill learned to read and write.
When my mom was a child she wanted to work but left her and she cried.
A few year
s later she could work but she couldn´t study, finally she study nursing.
My parents had three children, and now has been released as grandparents of a beautiful baby, she's my niece

José Gerardo Carrazco Lara

Hi Concetta

What a pleasure to hear from you, It is good that you would come in the summer, if yes, of course I'll help as you need, not when some language schools in England, but I'm told are very good, the next Saturday will send you the information you need to immediately attend the courses, so that your pronunciation is as you want and you succeed in your job, is more, when you get to England myself I'll give you some tips so you wont have problems with the language and you provide.
I send a kiss and a hug and see you in the summer
José Gerardo Carrazco Lara

martes, 16 de febrero de 2010


Hello Concetta,

How are you? I'm really happy to come to England, I also use a lot of language in my work, I would love to help. I've heard of that school is good, I'll send you more information and when you're here, if you want I can take myself to see other options, could stay in my house and hanging out with my friends, are very friendly you will see that we have great fun . Notify me when you come to England to prepare something delicious to eat. Drop me a line as soon as possible.

See you later

Best wishes,


By: Mónica Aranda Cuellar Bocardo

Grandmom and Mother

I'll talk a little about my grandmom and my mom.
When my grandmom was a child could draw very well, she made drawings whenever he could.
She is very intelligent and creative.

When my mom was six or seven he could read and write well, but could not ride a bike.
Sometimes she could not do their homework alone; mathematics was a bit complicated, then asked for help to his older brothers.
Like my grandmother, my mother could draw very well, and over time became interested in design, it was easy to do the drawings needed.
The two had fun and enjoyed what they did, I think that's why they came out very well ... I love them

By: Mónica Aranda Cuellar Bocardo


Should I marry him?

I have been with my Fiance for almost four years, we are going to married next year but, there are a couple of concerns I have: one is the fact that he never talks about his feelings, he keeps everything inside of him. He sometimes has trouble with expressing his excitement about things also.
He never buys me flowers or takes me out to dinner. He says that he doesn´t know why, but he never thinks of things like that.
I don´t know if this is a side affect of depression or, maybe, he is sick of me. He says that he loves me and that wants to marry with me, if this is true, what is his problem?
Female, 19

I think you should talk to him about how you are feeling. You should tell him what you are thinking about him, the things that you don´t like about him and how could he resolve. It´s important that you express everything you feel, because I thing communication is the base of marriage. I hope you take this advice seriously, good luck.

By: Mónica Aranda Cuellar Bocardo

domingo, 14 de febrero de 2010

I´m one of those guys who have ¨the quite normal¨ problem: I´m in love with a girl, but i don´t know what to do. I have already had a crush on some girls, never with any success, but this something different. my problems is actually that I´m too cowardly to tell her anything. I know that she likes me and we´re very, very good friends. We´ve known each other for about three years, and our about problems with each other, and so I know she is having problems with her boyfriend (who i think is no good for her) we meet almost every day. We always have very much fun together, but is it really so difficult to love someone who has been a good chum to you until now?
Male, 15

You must tell him how you really feel for her, if you have problems with your boyfriend you must support it, I think that if you show what you really feel for her, it will be easier than you accept, you have the advantage that you know very well Well, I think you should overcome your fears.

Karen Isabel Pérez Cervantes.

Hi rob
Just to let you know that I´m thinking of coming to England this summer. You know I have to use English a lot at work now, and I think I need some extra lessons. I especially want my pronunciation to be better you´re always telling me it´s bad! Anyway, I saw an ad in a magazine for a school in York. Isn´t that quite near you? Can you send me some more information about language schools in your area? It would be great to see you while I´m there, and I´d also love to meet some of your friends.
Can´t wait to hear from you. See you soon I hope.

Hi Concetta

I'm happy coming to England. It's good that you worry about your pronunciation that is really bad, I know you can improve a lot, I think there is only one school that really can help. The information that the school sends you on Wednesday for the checks. phone me when you get to go to the airport and pick you could have dinner with some friends I'll be happy to give you a hug and a kiss Greetings.

Karen Isabel Pérez Cervantes

I speak a little of my parents
When my father was six years could do many things, could take care of himself, he never was a good student, he had to look after sheep, my father could climb trees, he could run very fast, did not speak very well, unlike of the mother was always very smart when I was six, always get good grades in school, she had to behave very well and had to speak very well, she has always loved learning new things, I think I have something of the two were always very different.

I love my parents.
Karen Isabel Pérez Cervantes

Hello Concetta!


I'm really happy because you are coming to England! I miss you so much.
Of course I can help you with your pronunciation and with your social life,
I'm sure you will be very good here.
I'm going to send you all the information you need, in two days, I think,because now I'm so busy,
you know, things of the school and the work, but I promise to investigate everything for you.
I can't wait for you, I think we are gonna pass a good time together.
Write you soon.
Grecia Barrera

sábado, 13 de febrero de 2010

Do you enjoyed your childhood?

Hi everybody!

Some people say the best time of life is childhood, I thik everythig depends on how you live the moment.
I can say my dad had a good childhood, he loves the football, so when he was a child, spent the afternoons playing with his friends, and he was the best. He's a enginer but he always wanted to be footballer, and he really has talent, but the life is strange, however, he enjoyed a lot his childhood.
My mom is very intelligent, since she was a child, she had the best notes at school, and she lived her childhood studying mathematics and she was really good!
This is a little bit about my family and the childhood of my parents!

See you!

Grecia Barrera

Should I Marry him?

I have been with my Fiance for almost four years, we are going to get married next year but, there are a couple of concerns I have: one is the fact that he never talks about his feelungs, he keeps everything inside of him. He sometimes has trouble with expressing his excitement about things also. He never buys me flowers or thakes me out to dinner. He says he doesn't know why, but he never thinks of things like that.
I don't know if this is a side affect of depression or, maybe, he is sick of me. He says that he loves me and that he wants to marry me. If this is true, what is his problem?
Female, 19

Hey! well, I think that is a big problem, because maybe he doesn't want to be like that, it is just his personality but you have to decide if you really love him. All the relationships are process and I think you are not happy. You should take your time, take it easy. You must think in your happiness, relax, the answer is inside you, listen your heart, he is gonna tell you if you should marry him or not!

Grecia Barrera

viernes, 12 de febrero de 2010

Rob has written!!!

My friend Concetta has recived an e-mail from Rob who lives in England, Concetta was very happy and she showed me the e-mail, it says...

Dear Concetta:

I can't belive that you're comming to England! I've missed you so much and even when I know your porpuse, it's incredible! I told you, remember "you will need to practice your English" but like always you didn't listen to me now we're going to work so hard in your lessons I'm thinking of the way we can't practice and I almost get it, I think York it's perfect for you and don't worry about it you can stay in my house with my sister besides I think you should do it, she'll love you and yes, it's really near to me, in this moment I'm sending you a copy of all the information that I found about languages you'll like it to be here and of course I've got the perfect group of friends for you.

I promisse I will write you soon.

Oh I'm so sad because Concetta is going to England, but also happy for to know more about Rob.

Written by: Sandra Lizette Franco Hernández

Hates School... What do you think he should do?

I have got a neighbor who is very worried about his own life, he is only 16, and he asked me an advice here his case...

I hate school. I cannot stand my school so I skip it almost every day. Luckily, I am a smart person and I am in all of the advanced classes and don't have reputation as a rebel. Only the people who really know me know about my strange feelings. My parents don't care - they don't even mention it if I don't go to school. What I end up doing is sleeping all day and they staying up all night talking to my girlfriend. I get behind in my work and when I try to go back to school I get a bunch of crap from my teachers and friends. I just get so depressed when I think about it. I have given up on trying to go back and now am considering dropping out altogether, but I really don't want to do that because I realize it would ruin my life. I don't want to go back at all but I also don't want it to ruin my life. I am so confused and I have really tried to go back and just can't take it. What should I do? Please help.

Male, 16.

What do you think? Well this is bad, I take long before answering but at the end I said:
You should go wiht a Psychologist because you said yo don't want to talk with your parents so I think a psychologist could help you as many ways as you can imagine I know it is not easy to be 16 but you must to look inside of yourself why do you want to drop out all your life? it's not right you should think in taht girlfriend, what will happen when you grow up? Think better the things and you'll see your life it's wonderful and you don't have to waste it.
What do you think it could be a great advice for this boy?
Written by: Sandra Lizette Franco Hernández.

In their words...

Well, I guees I'm the first one, today I'm going to tell you about my parents's childhood, you'll see they have a difficult childhood but at the end they have a wonderful end.
So I decided to interview them and I found incredible anwers, for example I didn't now my dad, when he was student, he also had to feet pigs and went for water to a deposit "wow!" I said.
About my mom, well she said when she was four she couldn't even have a doll because she's got seven brother so my grandparents couldn't buy her one. Imagine this, my dad left school when he was 12 because he had to work hard for his family; fortunately my mom was a little bit luckier she end the high school and she almost goes to college, in the end they have now a happy life and after the interview I felt more proud of them.
That's my family, that's me.

Writen by: Sandra Lizette Franco Hernández